Friday, February 6, 2009

Smáhundasýning í garðheimum..

Við verðum á smáhundadögunum á morgun í garðheimum ekki að Díma og Charly séu beint smáhundar þá eru þau víst flokkaðir sem slíkir :S
Við verðum frá 14:30-17:00

Annars er allt gott að frétta Charly fer á sína fyrstu sýningu núna í lok feb bara gaman þeir verða víst bara tveir hann og Djazz..

Díma er búin að vera með smá magavesen eftir að hafa borðað eitthvað drasl, stundum mætti halda að hún væri labrador ekki poodle. Alltaf að éta eitthvað rugl.
Svo fékk hún líka væga augnsýkingu sem er öll að lagast.

Charly lærði að heilsa í gær voða duglegur tók aðeins 2 mín að kenna honum þetta nýja trikk, enda vorum við bæði mjög einbeitt í þessu enda sármóðguð eftir að Jói sagði að Charly væri ekki jafn gáfaður og Díma..
Hann er alveg jafn gáfaður bara ekki jafn ákafur hehe..

Díma and Charly are doing great, Charly's first show here in iceland will be in the end of February, it will be fun to see how he will do.

Charly just learned how to shake, it only took two minutes to teach him that :)really smart boy..

There have been no problems with Charly since he came to Iceland, the only thing i can mention is that he likes to watch the garden and barks when people walk by but he and Dima take turns when watching the house she is in charge inside the house and he takes care of the garden :)

We try to go to the dog park everyday and they have lots of fun there running around and playing with other dogs, Charly has had some problems whit other male dogs, because he does not know when dogs are not friendly but we try to protect him and he can run faster then all the other dogs so there is no problem, maybe he will learn that not all dogs want to play with him :P

Dima and Charly have been good friends from day one and is so fun to she there friendship develop now they are starting to sleep closer and closer together.

I will try to put up more pics soon..